Building a loving relationship with yourself is one of the main foundations for a happy life. In today’s episode I talk about why this is so important and how to navigate building this relationship with yourself.
The course I recommend is here.
It’s easy to get upset especially when day after day you are managing the same people in your space. But this also happens when our lives are not in confinement. How do we go about managing situations when people upset us? This is what we talk about in today’s episode.
What if we wake up in the morning and struggle to face the day? What if this goes on for days and weeks? How can we turn this around? In this episode I talk about how you can shift yourself.
When each day seems the same right now how can you find ways to break the energy up and have joy in your day? I have a tool that you might find helpful.
Courage is a quality many of us aspire to have. However, we can practice it at any time. In this episode I tell you how.
This is an interview with one of the most beloved spiritual teachers of our time, Roshi Joan Halifax. We talk meditation, the fear of death, edge states and the lessons learnt getting arrested in Washington protesting climate change with her dear friend Jane Fonda.
Here are some resources from the interview:
Standing at the Edge - Roshi Joan Halifax
If there was one only piece of wisdom I would hope to impart to you it is in this episode.
We have a tendency to see ourselves as the centre of the universe. However there are 7.8 billion other people on the planet. Getting ourselves into perspective can really help us at this time.
Some days it seems harder to hold it together. Especially for those of us who are used to holding it together for our families or workplace this time can be even more challenging. How do we manage?
It can be easy to lay the responsibility for our happiness at the feet of other people. But what if I told you that you happiness was actually much more in your control than you realise?
Most of us go through life relatively unconsciously struggling to keep up with all of the demands on us. But how much do we focus on bringing joy into our lives?
It can be easy for us to take things for granted. Right now we have less access to many of the people, activities and resources that we usually do. Today we look at an exercise around what is really important in our lives.
How can we care for each other and love each other without wanting something in return? This is what we discuss in today’s episode.
We are often not sure how we can make a difference in the world. But each of us has the ability to do exactly that. In this episode we discuss how small daily acts can make a big difference.
Many people have commented to me that the days feel long and time seems to have slowed down. Why is this? This is what we discuss in today's episode.
Yesterday I got news that my father is in the High Dependency Unit at the hospital in New Zealand. As I asked some of my close students to think of him they asked me in return how to deal with someone being sick and separated from us at this time. These are my thoughts.
For most of us our best friend is getting us into all sorts of trouble. Today we look at who your best friend should be and how you can help them be your best friend rather than your sometimes best friend and at times your worst enemy.
Right now we are being forced to face ourselves and our habitual emotions in a way we may not have had to before. In this episode I show you an exercise to help you manage emotions that are a little difficult.
It can be easy to find lots of thing to do to take us away from ourselves. but right now we have a real opportunity to decide what is important.
It's Easter and Passover. As we take care of ourselves it's also equally important to take of others, especially over times where people are used to being or celebrating together . Here's one way we can do that.
Today I have a confession to make. Let me tell you what is going on and how I plan to deal with it.
How can we deal with all of the uncertainty we are currently facing? In this episode we have start to explore this very question.
It’s one thing to do our practice in the morning but how do we take that practice into our day to make a difference in the way we are living. In today’s episode we discuss exactly that.
In today's podcast we look into an issue many of us are currently having - in this stressful time it's hard to stop eating! My guest is Dr Susan Peirce Thompson, a professor of psychology, who specialises in food addiction. I have known Susan for some years and the results she gets with her work is extremely impressive. I hope you enjoy this episode.
Here are the links I discuss in this episode:
Today we are looking at an experiment in how we show up in our day. I guarantee if you do this exercise you’ll have a much better day than if you don’t….