
In Your Right Mind with Monique Rhodes

A podcast on how to work with your mind to transform your life. This show will help you overcome stress, anxiety and depression and empower you to live the happy life that you deserve. Monique Rhodes, an internationally renowned happiness specialist and meditation expert. Her online meditation course The 10 Minute Mind, is used in over 50 colleges and universities worldwide as well as by thousands of online subscribers. Monique teaches in bite sized lessons how to reach your potential and become happier. Tune in now!
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In Your Right Mind with Monique Rhodes








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Now displaying: October, 2020
Oct 31, 2020

How do we work with the things that have happened in our pasts? Is it possible to overcome trauma and pain with positive thinking? In today’s podcast, I explain. 

Oct 30, 2020
It can be a little shocking as we start to explore how we are in the world to discover that we may not be as positive as we think we are. In today’s podcast, I discuss the importance of connecting in with our true self in order to be happier. 
The Happiness Baseline
Oct 29, 2020

Most of the time, we underestimate our power. But what happens when we accidentally overestimate it? In today’s podcast, I answer a question from one of my students who is concerned she may have been part of someone in her life becoming ill.

Oct 28, 2020

Sometimes we can use these magical words I Love You a little freely. What do they really mean? In today’s podcast, I discuss how looking more closely at when we use these words can deepen our relationships with those we love. 

Oct 27, 2020

Today I received two emails with a similar question. So I feel if there are two of you writing, then there are more of you feeling this way. I hope this helps. 

Oct 26, 2020

One of my students has a sister who isn’t very nice to be around. We all know these people who display bad behaviour and have them in our lives in varying forms. In today’s podcast, I discuss how to manage someone misbehaving. 

Oct 25, 2020

It is easy for us to become consumed by an imagined world of worries. In today’s podcast, I talk about how we can turn that around to looking forward in a way that serves us. 

Oct 24, 2020

It’s hard when someone we love passes away. We can have feelings of regret and longing for their presence. In today’s podcast, I answer an email from one of my students who is struggling after the passing of her sister. 

Oct 23, 2020

We all know that life can be challenging. However, we tend to take it all quite seriously. In today’s podcast, I make a case for letting some of that seriousness go. 

Oct 22, 2020

When we dive deeper into our emotions, we can find a deeper understanding of ourselves and our past. They help us move beyond our thought patterns and get a better sense of what's going on in our lives. To move beyond these patterns, we need to dive deeper into our emotions and feelings. We can't move on from our past if we don't understand it. And this requires a certain level of vulnerability: being willing to feel uncomfortable in the present moment so that we can better understand why we feel the way we do and how those feelings affect us. This isn't easy; it takes time, patience, and practice. But by diving deeper into your emotions--the good ones as well as the bad ones--you'll be able to see yourself more clearly than ever before. When we are upset, or someone is upset with us, there is a quick way to get to the source of what is going on. In today’s episode, this is what I am going to teach you. We will discuss the importance of looking beyond the surface and exploring your emotions. It's not always easy, but it can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself and the others around you. Diving deep into your emotions and feelings is an important part of healing from the past. You can't move on if you don't understand how the patterns in your life were formed, and why they continue to affect the way that you act now.

Oct 21, 2020

Last night I had a conversation with a friend who felt her faith was being tested. Times are hard. "Where is God in this", she said? Today's podcast is my answer to her. 

Oct 20, 2020
Today I am answering a question from one of my students. Like many of us, she is afraid of history repeating and is finding that it is holding her back. I give her four solutions to work with this. 


Oct 19, 2020

There is something that steals our energy that most of us are not aware of. In today’s podcast, I explain what it is and how you can quickly increase your energy in your daily life. 

Oct 18, 2020

If we are what we think, where do difficult experiences in our lives fit into this? What about trauma in our childhood? This is what I discuss in today’s podcast. 

Oct 17, 2020

It's easy to get stuck in a rut, especially when we're comfortable. But if you want different results, you have to do things differently.
You have to be open-minded and willing to try new things. You need to be flexible enough that if something isn't working out the way you want it to or is taking longer than expected, then change course! we must look at the world with a new perspective where we can learn from our mistakes and be flexible enough to know when something is not working.
It's easy for us to get stuck in our ways. We have our routines, which may have worked well in the past, but now they no longer serve us well If we want a different result we have to do things differently. Today’s podcast is an important one to listen to.

Oct 16, 2020
Loneliness is on the rise. Making friends is sometimes not that easy. However, the health implications of being isolated are worrying. Today I discuss the importance of doing everything we can to be connected with others. 
Group Coaching Link
Oct 15, 2020

Yesterday I was asking some of my students if there was a superpower they wished they had. Superpowers can often feel as though they are inaccessible to us. Many of them were. But many of them were superpowers they could develop. Those are the ones I am discussing in today’s podcast. 

Oct 14, 2020

This week I was looking at pictures of rescue dogs to help my friend find a dog. In one of the photos, there was a gorgeous dog which I found out, from closer inspection, had only three legs. In today’s podcast, I discuss why the three-legged dog is so important for us in understanding how our mind works. 

Oct 13, 2020

We live in a world where we struggle to be on our own with our distractions. In today’s podcast, I answer a question about having a busy mind. 

Oct 12, 2020

In today’s podcast, I reply to an email from one of my students. 

Oct 11, 2020

Today’s podcast is short and right to the essential point. Listen. 

Oct 10, 2020

Our practice is not just for ourselves. Yes, we are hoping to become more focussed, less stressed and happier people. However, to focus just there leaves out a vital part of the path to happiness. 



Oct 9, 2020

I was speaking at an event today for World Mental Health Day. I was asked how to manage pain. I get this question often, so I thought I would share with you, as it is fresh in my mind as I have a dental problem right now, how to work with pain a little differently.

Oct 8, 2020

Each night I plug my many devices, so they are recharged for the following day. We are not very good at restoring ourselves. We tend to run on drained batteries. In today’s podcast, I discuss a vital way to keep us recharged and therefore inspired. 

Find out more here.

Oct 7, 2020

Is it possible? Yes - absolutely! Just because there is chaos in our world, doesn't mean we can't play an important part in making the world a happier place. 

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