What do you do when a long-time friend drifts out of your life? In this episode, I explore the natural ebb and flow of friendships and how to navigate the pain and confusion that can come with it. I’ll share why letting go of expectations and embracing the impermanence of relationships can bring peace and clarity.
In this episode, I explore the powerful connection between intuition and decision-making. How do we distinguish between gut instincts and the voice of our ego? We'll delve into practical ways to quiet our minds, tune into our inner wisdom, and recognize the signs that guide us. Let’s discover how aligning with our intuition can lead to better choices and a more authentic life!
Mother’s Day can be tricky for many of us, and our relationships with our mothers are as different as each of us is different.
Self-mothering is a way to take care of yourself. Some people never really outgrow their relationship with their mothers. If you feel like your mother has been controlling and critical, or even abusive in some way, it's normal to have trouble taking care of yourself. This can manifest as not setting boundaries, having trouble saying no, and feeling anxious about making decisions. Self-mothering is a self-nurturing practice that helps us heal by identifying our wounds and letting go of negative emotions that we've been holding onto for years. It's also about learning how to treat yourself as an adult who deserves love, attention, and care just as everyone else does! In today’s podcast, I share a special and powerful piece of writing about our relationships with our mothers and encourage you to join me in a unique habit-changing process that I am embarking on.