When we dive deeper into our emotions, we can find a deeper understanding of ourselves and our past. They help us move beyond our thought patterns and get a better sense of what's going on in our lives. To move beyond these patterns, we need to dive deeper into our emotions and feelings. We can't move on from our past if we don't understand it. And this requires a certain level of vulnerability: being willing to feel uncomfortable in the present moment so that we can better understand why we feel the way we do and how those feelings affect us. This isn't easy; it takes time, patience, and practice. But by diving deeper into your emotions--the good ones as well as the bad ones--you'll be able to see yourself more clearly than ever before. When we are upset, or someone is upset with us, there is a quick way to get to the source of what is going on. In today’s episode, this is what I am going to teach you. We will discuss the importance of looking beyond the surface and exploring your emotions. It's not always easy, but it can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself and the others around you. Diving deep into your emotions and feelings is an important part of healing from the past. You can't move on if you don't understand how the patterns in your life were formed, and why they continue to affect the way that you act now.