For those of you who have not reached midnight yet I am already in 2021. It left me thinking a lot about where hope is found as we turn the page on a New Year.
When bad things happen, especially when those things seem random and meaningless, we crave a sense of understanding and, ultimately, control. In today’s podcast, I discuss a technique for managing difficulties.
Fireball Goals are the foundation of my life. If you want to feel genuinely alive, Fireball Goals are one of the keys. In today’s podcast, I explain what they are and how to use them.
Often we don't realise that we can change habitually difficult situations. Playing dinosaurs with my niece reminded me of how this is possible.
We are at a crossroads. We have a choice to go down the old worn-out roads that don't work or do things differently. This is a wonderful time to look at doing things differently.
For most people who celebrate Christmas, it is going to be very different this year. In today's podcast, I discuss how you also may need to handle it differently.
At this time, we have a golden opportunity to reflect on the year that has been. Never has this been more important than in 2020.
Whether you can see your family this Christmas or not, coming together with the family you grew up with can bring up a lot of uncomfortable emotions. In today’s podcast, I explain why and give you some ways to work with it a little differently the next time you see them.
What is compassion? And why does it play such an important role in our happiness? In today’s podcast, I discuss compassion as one of the keys to a happier life.
Last week I was coaching one of my students and we uncovered that one of her behaviours that caused her the most unhappiness had come to her through a number of generations of habits. Uncovering these types of insights can be life changing. This podcast is brought to you by The Happiness Baseline
One of my students came to me and told me she thought she had mental health issues. She was addicted to her Instagram feed. In the same way, we also are addicted to our thoughts. In today's podcast, I explain how to clear out some space in your mind.
It’s a big day for me and a big contemplation on the power of kindness as a value in a wider community.
There is no doubt that fear is uncomfortable. It can be a powerful message for us to protect ourselves. However, often it is telling us something else. In today’s podcast, I share how working through fear can help us change our lives.
As children, we come into the world with a much deeper understanding of what it is to be human than develops as we get older. In today’s podcast, I discuss what we miss out on as we learn separation.
I was watching The Crown last night. There was a scene with Queen Elizabeth that struck me, as I watched her gazing out of the window. I realised I wanted more of that.
As people become more isolated and anxious at this challenging time, in today's podcast, I suggest one small way that you can make a difference to someone else today.
This podcast is brought to you by The Happiness Baseline