
In Your Right Mind with Monique Rhodes

A podcast on how to work with your mind to transform your life. This show will help you overcome stress, anxiety and depression and empower you to live the happy life that you deserve. Monique Rhodes, an internationally renowned happiness specialist and meditation expert. Her online meditation course The 10 Minute Mind, is used in over 50 colleges and universities worldwide as well as by thousands of online subscribers. Monique teaches in bite sized lessons how to reach your potential and become happier. Tune in now!
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In Your Right Mind with Monique Rhodes








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Sep 1, 2023
There are endless ways for us to be addicted in our modern, fast-paced society. Is it possible for addictions to be positive? That’s what we will explore in today’s podcast. 
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Aug 30, 2023
In a world that endlessly rushes past, an elderly woman's determined journey prompts us to reflect on society's choices. This story not only celebrates indomitable spirit but also challenges our everyday decisions — reminding us that our actions, or inactions, shape the world we inhabit.
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Aug 28, 2023
Pain is an inevitable part of the human experience. How can we work with pain so that we can reduce the self-inflicted agony we often experience?
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Aug 25, 2023
Wholehearted presence, an act of genuine attentiveness and compassion, can be a powerful balm for those in pain, offering solace even before solutions. In a world rife with distractions, this authentic connection reminds us of the profound impact of simply being there for someone, echoing the silent yet profound assurance of "I am here for you."
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Aug 23, 2023
Last week I went into retreat with a group of women who are direct descendants of the Incas. Some of you have asked me to talk about why I went to study with them and what I learned. 
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Aug 21, 2023
Often our thoughts and feelings are out of control. And it can be challenging to know how to manage them. I want to teach you how to see your mind as a guesthouse so that you can work with your thoughts and emotions differently. 
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Aug 18, 2023
Without awareness, most of us live behind a mask that we began unconsciously building in early childhood. In this podcast, I discuss the transformative journey to peel away these layers, revealing the authentic self beneath. 
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Aug 16, 2023
At a time when external blame is increasingly the norm, I want you to be aware of a transformative path: turning inwards. By understanding and harnessing our mind's tendencies, we transition from reactive blame to proactive self-reflection, unlocking deeper understanding, inner peace, and happiness. 
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Aug 14, 2023
I received an email from one of my students who has a husband who consistently brings his worries and fears into the relationship. These are worries and fears around things better out of his control. She's asked for my advice, and here it is. 
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Aug 11, 2023
Our minds are usually out of control, and it can be easy to get swept up in our thoughts. It can be helpful for us to know that our thoughts are not actually the problem. 
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Aug 9, 2023
Human relationships are impermanent. Our feelings and perceptions of others shift and change. However, we have the opportunity to use this understanding to ultimately transform our relationships into a path of spiritual growth.
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Aug 7, 2023
As we wake up, we have the ability to move into a deeper understanding of our mind and to discover a way to relate to the world where we get less caught up in the changing landscapes of our lives. 
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Aug 4, 2023
It’s been a big few months for me. I want to show you how I do magic to shift obstacles in my life and how you can do the same. 
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Aug 2, 2023
If the mind is always processing, and that is creating mental exhaustion, how do you manage the times when you do need it to process? How can I process at work if processing is problematic?
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Jul 31, 2023
Our mind is constantly filtering information that we then re-create to try and control our external world. No wonder we get tired and overwhelmed. 
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Jul 28, 2023

If we want a future that is different from our present, we need to wake up. What does waking up mean, and what are the rewards of it?

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Jul 26, 2023

The work we do together invites us on a transformative journey, not towards something new, but to reveal our own dormant, inherent wisdom. This paradoxical path of self-discovery is a profound process of uncovering what's always been within us, as we let go of misconceptions and open up to the interconnected essence of life.

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Jul 24, 2023

We all want to be happy, and it can be surprising how much of our life is driven by this. However, sometimes we indulge and what I call comparative happiness. This is a slippery slope that never ultimately leads to true happiness. 

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Jul 21, 2023
One of the hardest situations to navigate is when someone we love or care about struggles. How can we be there in a way that will benefit the most? I get this question often, and at the moment, it seems like a good one to answer. 
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Jul 19, 2023

In our busy world, where distractions reign, we have a paradoxical relationship with attention. I believe it is creating a mentally ill society. 

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Jul 17, 2023

When I went into hospital I received extraordinary care from my surgeon. He is a model for how to bring love into your work. 

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Jul 14, 2023

The world can be tricky, especially as everything speeds up. The most powerful place we can change the world is right here, with us. 

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Jul 12, 2023
Most of us have a question we ask ourselves incessantly throughout the day. I'm going to tell you what this question is. And then, I will suggest a question that might make you much happier. 
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Jul 10, 2023
There is a gap between the interplay between reality and our perceptions. If we can be aware of this gap, we can alleviate much of our unhappiness. 
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Jul 7, 2023
Chase your dreams and don’t just escape your fears. In today’s podcast we look at understanding why pursuing our passions, not merely avoiding discomfort, leads to happiness. 
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